Current Issues On Online Learning- Nurul Aisyah
Hi ,assalamualaikum ! As we all know all of us is having our quarantine time because of this pandemic Covid-19 and it’s a hard time for all people including us as a student. If this pandemic do not exist ,I think all of the students will learn as usual and do not need to have this online distance learning because one of the biggest problem that most students really need to face is lost internet connection and not all of us have a good coverage at their home. If you really keep updated on news today, some of our Malaysian state which is Pahang, Kelantan and Sarawak are currently having a disaster struck which is flood. Can you imagine how the of students there having their online learning? It could be so struggle for them because internet is the most needed thing today in order to do assignments, online classes tests and quizzes. I hope they are going to be fine. Being a new student in a new environment on this pandemic really hit me hard and mess me up especially with this internet connection that are always problematic and a lot of assignments. I don’t really sure what the craziest thing I do now, having an online learning? I never expected this but it is going well because my friends are always being helpful and caring. I’ve read something on quote before that gave me lessons to find a good friend because if you want a healthy lifestyle, it should start with family and friends. No matter what is happening now, I hope all of us are always going well and keep moving forward for a good thing . I also trust that all of us are hoping that this pandemic will be ended real soon so that we can live like usual. Stay safe and take a good care everyone!